How to change your phone number or email address:
If you change your phone number or email address, do not create a new account. Instead, update your old account with the instructions below.
Already logged in?
If you are already logged into the app:
- Open the sidebar menu
- Tap 'View profile'
- Under 'Account Settings', tap 'Your info'
- Tap on your existing phone number or email address
- Type in your new phone number or email address
- Don’t forget to save!
Have a new phone number?
If you created your account with a phone number, you can change your phone number with our account recovery feature. Note: this is only possible if your e-mail is verified. To verify your e-mail visit the 'Settings' tab.
Before you begin:
- You need to have a verified e-mail address
- If you’re logged in, be sure to log out
- Close the app
Get started:
- Open the app
- Tap ‘Get Started’
- Tap ‘Have a new number? Find your account’
- Enter your verified email address
- Wait for us to send you an email
- Check your email and follow the instructions to recover your account
No verified email?
If you created your account with a phone number but don’t have a verified email, contact us here.